Big Flaws and Incidents of 2016 By Tech Companies

The biggest incidents which made customers attentive for buying and choosing the products.

Every customer of the smart devices has a request to the manufactures that “Kindly reward us a device which is stable, issue-less and especially harmless” in return of our money.

In the year 2016 which is almost going to end the world especially many customers has wasted their money in a device that reacted against them except of working for them.Big flaws on tech companies 2016

One of the biggest reasons behind the flaws of the smart devices is the “Beta” version of the products which companies sells to the customers to learn from their beta devices, so they can release a complete product later. You can say beta devices as the “Early devices for almost purpose of testing publicly”.

Customers get amaze of the new functions and possibilities of the “Beta” products and choose them blindly but them without even knowing about the issues and flaws of the product, customers rush and acquire them without thinking clearly.

Many flaws and incidents in 2016 happened to those who bought beta products.

In this ending year many incomplete and non-deeply tested products were seen, but these major mistakes by the tech companies made customers attentive and opened their eye which was totally towards the wrong products.

“Surely everybody will now think before buying the GoPro’s drone after knowing that the first ever drone of the company had fallen of the sky.”big flaws in 2016-17

Flaws by Samsung

Who will forget the biggest incident from the well-known company Samsung’s Note7? Even whenever there is a topic regarding phone’s issues mostly people always mix the name of Note7 with that.

No doubt due to the company’s decision of putting bigger and packed battery in Note7 did what it should do , it definitely exploded as well as one hundred phones caught into fire.

Samsung’s GE washing machine too did what Note7 did.

Who will trust Samsung while the S7 Active named as waster-resistant phone by the company but in reality the first units of the S7 Active weren’t Water proof.

Flaw by McDonald’s

McDonald’s too caught in the eye criticism as the “Step it” named wearable smartwatch type device which was supposed to be used as tracking the fitness actually caused burns and irritation to the some its wearers.

After failure of their well known products companies will take the best decisions regarding releasing their devices very early.

Tesla’s incident

Well the world is amazed by the Self-Driving technology and companies like Google which successfully tested “Driver-Less” car without a single incident by the car. But still man hasn’t reached towards the safety of itself as the “Beta version of the Tesla’s Self-Driving feature actually crashed the car”

The record breaking game of 2016 Pokémon Go which is downloaded over 500 million actually has now dropped its players as well as users due to Bugs and the problems in its server.

Google Home

Google Home should have tested its voice recognition by testing it deeply with several peoples including male, female, old, young, child etc for months clearly.

So buyers should wait calmly and choose the products after knowing them deeply through professional reviewers except of rushing to get them at the first look.


Tayyib Ahsan is an Entrepreneur and Freelance Technology Writer, His Passion is to Help Others in Blogging, Marketing and Online Shopping to Gain Knowladge & Success. In addition, He also offers E-Currency Exchange Services for Individuals and Companies Worldwide. Get in touch with him on Twitter or Facebook.

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