UN Global Hunger Report 2015: India ranked first in world hunger list

India – the world’s largest democracy – is the house of highest number of hungry people in the world. At least, 194 million people in India are suffering by hunger according to United Nations annual hunger report.

According to recent report of UN body on Food and Agriculture Organisations (FAO) on ‘The State of Good Insecurity in the World’ the figure was 1 billion in 1990-92 that has been dropped to 795 million in 2014-15. According to report, reduction has been recorded in India too but it is still at the top position. In 1990-92, the figure was 210.1 million that has been reduced to 194.6 million in 2014-15.

World wide FAO hunger report

“India has made great strides in reducing the proportion of food insecure persons in the overall population, but according to FAO, it still has over 194 million hungry persons. India’s numerous social programs are expected to continue to fight hunger and poverty,” the report stated.

India ranked first in world hunger list

“A majority – 72 out of 129 – of the countries monitored by FAO have achieved the Millennium Development Goal target of halving the prevalence of undernourishment by 2015, with developing regions as a whole missing the target by a small margin,” the report said.

The report at the end concluded that hunger can be eradicated via economic growth, agriculture investments and social protection, conditioned with political stability.


Tayyib Ahsan is an Entrepreneur and Freelance Technology Writer, His Passion is to Help Others in Blogging, Marketing and Online Shopping to Gain Knowladge & Success. In addition, He also offers E-Currency Exchange Services for Individuals and Companies Worldwide. Get in touch with him on Twitter or Facebook.

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