Choose Your Niche from Most Expensive Keywords in Google Adwords

I understand, When beginners start their blogging life, They are very confused to select specified niche, topic or category etc for their blog. Most of them start posting at some popular category without checking its cost, That’s why after some period, They disappoint because of low CPC (cost per click) rate for adsense ads in Pakistan.

Then after wasting of time, Mostly new bloggers ask me to choose a best niche for their blog, Which is the best niche for their blog? So Today I’m sharing Top 10 Most Expensive Keywords with their Adwords PPC and CPC in Adsese, Beside of, You can also check their Searched volume and how much advertiser advertise at these categories.adwords in Pakistan

Now you can check Most Expensive Keywords in Google Adsense & Adwords Market.

Top Keywords PPC Advertisers Adword PPC Adsense CPC Searched Volume/mo SE Results
Insurance  55  $10.93  $37.53  55,600,000 1,130,000,000
Loan 38 $6.04 $7.81 30,400,000 568,000,000
Mortgage 27 $2.75 $21.19 16,600,000 532,000,000
Attorney 34 $10.13 $10.61 16,600,000 354,000,000
Credit 22 $6.32 $6.46 101,000,000 1,990,000,000
Lawyer 35 $10.79 $8.18 13,600,000 283,000,000
Donate 51 $12.65 $7.91 2,740,000 327,000,000
Degree 6 $16.40 $18.72 16,600,000 902,000,000
Hosting 56 $10.87 $19.59 13,600,000 681,000,000
Claim 1 $1.95 $16.05 7,480,000 859,000,000
Conference Call 32 $14.76 $51.39 450,000 157,000,000
Trading 23 $2.04 $9.76 20,400,000 959,000,000
Software 18 $3.73 $1.79 151,000,000 3,070,000,000
Recovery 4 $4.21 $4.23 20,400,000 545,000,000
Classes 4 $5.27 $4.25 68,000,000 671,000,000
Rehab 39 $9.63 $46.97 6,120,000 95,200,000
Treatment 5 $3.59 $12.38 37,200,000 1,010,000,000
Cord Blood 31 $24.73 $38.74 135,000 8,140,000

Although, Some categories are not well known in Pakistan, So if you post it, Ultimately your traffic will come from foreign countries, Which through you can get high rate of Adsense CPC.

I think, You’ll earn more than your expectations, In Case you can write using these categories for your blog.


Tayyib Ahsan is an Entrepreneur and Freelance Technology Writer, His Passion is to Help Others in Blogging, Marketing and Online Shopping to Gain Knowladge & Success. In addition, He also offers E-Currency Exchange Services for Individuals and Companies Worldwide. Get in touch with him on Twitter or Facebook.

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