
Tayyib Ahsan is an Entrepreneur and Freelance Technology Writer, His Passion is to Help Others in Blogging, Marketing and Online Shopping to Gain Knowladge & Success. In addition, He also offers E-Currency Exchange Services for Individuals and Companies Worldwide. Get in touch with him on Twitter or Facebook.

The Complete History of Five Generations of Computers

History of Computer

Major milestones achieved in the history of computer development are regarded as computer generations with each new generation, computers have become smaller in size, more powerful, and less expensive Each generation of computers are characterized by a major technological advancement that changed the way how computers operate. You can read …

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10 Ways Your Website is Driving Customers Away

SEO for blog

Granted, making and maintaining a website can be daunting and tiresome, especially if you are not getting the expected results in terms of traffic and the main bottom-line: sales However, before you pull off your hair, trying to explain why the internet is not working for you. Explore our list …

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5 Best Upcoming Android Games in 2016

top popular android games

Every year we are trying to look for new android games released on Google Play Store. Being a gaming enthusiast, we have to be a one step ahead of everyone so we can experience the latest games on our smart phones. There are millions of apps on Google Play Store …

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Your Website can be better for Healthier Business

business site

Today in Modern Information Technology World, websites play a vital role in building and promoting business. Starting from “About the Company” websites can end by delivery of service or product at doorsteps. In today’s business world, even strategies are building with respect to web world. Website can help in exchange …

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Top 6 Best Blogging Platforms On The Internet Today

best blogging platforms

Planning on launching a new blog? Well, blogging certainly has gained a lot of popularity over the past decade. It has become a great platform to express your feelings, give opinions and share knowledge. As a matter of fact, it has evolved significantly over the past few years and you’d …

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